But… “Who wears the pants?”

Relationship Status Series

As we know, the relationship between the entity (or business) and its consumers has progressed from one-way to two-way communication as a result of the internet and social media use in particular. You could say that when entities and consumers were in their one-way communication relationship that the entity ‘wore the pants’. So this raises an important point, with social media becoming the new intermediary in the relationship… Who wears the pants now?   Continue reading

All publicity = Good publicity, right?

Iron Sword

The world of social media is entirely public, where posts and tweets can be viewed a hundred times over from all corners on this Earth. The more popular a post, the more reach it will receive in the world. Which is great!… But not when your post is gaining less than favourable popularity! Social media is much like a double edged sword. Continue reading

“Come with me, or perish!” says Social Media


It’s harsh, but it’s true. For businesses to be successful and remain relevant to their consumers, the use of social media is imperative in almost all aspects of the business. Continue reading